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River City

The River City research project centers on the design, implementation, and evaluation of an interactive computer simulation for middle grades science students to learn scientific inquiry and 21st century skills. River City has the look and feel of a videogame but contains content developed from National Science Education Standards, National Educational Technology Standardsand 21st Century Skills.


An overview of River City can be found here.


A list of River City publications can be found here.


River City was funded through multiple grants by the National Science Foundation, under Grant Nos. 9980464, 0296001, 0202543, 0310188, and 0532446. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.



River City is headed by Chris Dede at Harvard University. Over the years, many, many people contributed to the River City project. Brian Nelson, AZ DELTA lead, worked on the project first a doctoral student and then as co-PI and project designer at ASU. The ASU team focused on the design and development of the River City virtual world application and related web content.


ASU PhD students on the project included Ben Erlandson and Linda Davenport.


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